3H Customs is partnered with Midwest Seed Genetics to bring our customers quality seed with outstanding performance year after year. The team of Agronomist and Representatives are constantly striving to bring the best products available year after year. 3H Customs has a vast portfolio of quality seed corn and bulk soybeans. Ed Seed is Midwest's Enlist Soybean line up of seed that we have come to trust in our operation.
We have a vast variety of Branded Chemicals to offer our customers. This industry is ever changing. Whether you spray your own or hire us to custom spray for you come get a quote with John to see if we can help you to control your input costs.
Starter Fertilizer
Starter Fertilizer has been a benefit for our operation year after year, with proven data that shows its profitability this is a favorite product of our customers. We only supply all ortho (non-corroding) starter fertilizers to ensure our customers a profit without compromising their equipment.
Precision Planting
Precision Planting can give you a Return On Investment that you can afford. Get together with Clint and get a quote today to upgrade your planting equipment to build your picket fence and maximize your yield potential.
Anhydrous/Dry Fertilizer
When hiring us to dual place these products together in one pass you minimize your compaction and maximize your fertilizer program.